IoT Kits© are easy to build and are a great introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, and microcontrollers. To build a kit, you should have:
- an intermediate level of soldering skill,
- the ability to install software on a personal computer,
- familiarity with basic text editing (cut & paste), and file manipulation (unzipping files, moving folders),
- Wi-Fi and access to the Internet, and
- some basic tools (soldering iron, wire cutters, hot melt glue gun , and screwdriver).
For more about the Internet of Things see
Note for kits purchased after July 2022:
The latest kits are pre-programmed! All you need to do is assemble the kit and configure it using a cell phone or Wi-Fi connected PC. You do not need to install the Arduino IDE or project firmware. We are still updating the website, with the latest configuration instructions, meanwhile, the hardware assembly instructions are correct for all projects. Go to these sections for complete assembly and configuration instructions:
- Single board weather station:
- Shield (stacked) weather station:
- D1S Display-WBIT:
Available IoT Kits:
Solar-powered, wireless weather station (single-board version)
The D1M-WX1 is a completely wireless, solar-powered weather station using your Wi-Fi for connection to the Internet. It reports barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, and light intensity to ThingSpeak, a free Internet of Things service. Licensed radio amateurs can also post data to APRS-IS.
You can view your data anywhere in the world that has Internet access and you can choose to make your data private or public. My backyard station has been online since 2016:
The dimensions of the printed circuit board are 83 x 40 mm (3.25 x 1.6 inches). The solar panel is 80 x 55 mm (3.1 x 2.15 inches). Total weight with LiPo cell and solar panel is approximately 60 g (2.1 oz).

Solar-powered, wireless weather station – Stacked Version
The D1S-WX1 stacked version has the same functions as the single-board kit above in a different format. It consists of three printed circuit boards: 1) LiPo charger, 2) D1 Mini microcontroller, and 3) sensor board.
The dimensions of the assembled stack are 26 wide x 47 deep x 42 mm high (1.0 x 1.85 x 1.65 inches). The solar panel is 80 x 55 mm (3.1 x 2.15 inches). Total weight with LiPo cell and solar panel is approximately 54 g (1.8 oz).
Weather Display Kit
The D1S-Display is provided as a stand-alone kit showing your local weather obtained from and indoor temperature and humidity. This is an excellent kit for first-time kit builders. Contruction is simple and quick. Soldering is easy and no programming is required.
In addition to weather information, it displays accurate local and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) obtained from a Net Time Protocol Server and it automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time.
The kit comes with an attractive 3D printed case The display is a full color, 1-inch (25 mm) square TFT device.
- Obtains localized weather information from
- Shows current conditions and daily maximum/minimum
- Includes wind speed and direction, precipitation type, probability and amount, pressure, temperature, humidity, cloud cover
- Built in sensor for indoor temperature and humidity
- User can choose metric and imperial units
- Precise time provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Displays Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and your local time.
- Daylight saving time is automatically determined
- Almanac for local sunrise and sunset times and moon phase
As a remote display for the IoT Kit’s weather stations:
The D1S-Display can also be programmed as a companion kit for the solar-powered weather stations. It receives data from your weather station either through Thingspeak for non-hams or APRS-IS for licensed hams. The data is shown on frames that rotate in sequence 1) an analog clock showing local time, 2) a digital clock with local and UTC times, 3) weather, and 4) telemetry data from your D1M-WX1 kit.
General Assembly Instructions for All Kits
Follow these instructions step-by-step to order and build a kit. Click on the section title for the complete text.
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