- Arduino Sketches
- All course Arduino sketches are in one zip archive.
- After download, extract the files. Copy the extracted folders to your Arduino Sketchbook folder. This is usually Documents/Arduino. If you are not sure, run the Arduino IDE and open menu item File | Preferences. The first item on the dialog is “Sketchbook location”.
- IEEE_IoT_Sketches_2016-06-06
- IEEE_IoT_Sketch01_Blink – blinks the onboard LED
- IEEE_IoT_Sketch02_Hello_World – displays a message on the LCD
- IEEE IoT_Sketch03 – Standalone Weather Station – displays sensor data on the LCD and serial monitor
- IEEE IoT_Sketch04 – IoT Weather Station – sends data to a ThingSpeak channel – version 6/6/16 – removes WiFi_Sta mode
- IEEE_IoT_Sketch05_Smartphone – uses the SimpleTimer and Blynk libraries to send and receive data from a smartphone app – version 6/6/16 – removes WiFi_Sta mode, adds links to libraries
- IEEE_IoT_I2C_Scanner – scans I2C bus to find addresses of all connected devices. Use this if you do not know the address of the LCD.
- IEEE_IoT_Sketches_2016-06-06
- Library files. Instructions for installation are included in the course slides.
- SparkFun_HTU21D_Library– also at
- Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-Library – also at
- Adafruit_BMP085_Modified – adds keywords.txt to Adafruit distribution
- SimpleTimer – used only in Sketch05 to schedule reporting tasks to Blynk and ThingSpeak. Download the zip file from
- Handout (includes NodeMCU pinout, parts list, and resource links)
- ThingSpeak Scripts – paste these text file scripts into blank ThingSpeak MATLAB Visualizations. See the tutorial at
- Dewpoint_in_Fahrenheit – chart shows temperature and dewpoint in Fahrenheit. Dewpoint is calculated from temperature and humidity and is the temperature at which condensate will form on a surface.
- Display_Multiple_Channels – displays one field from each of four channels.
- Temperature_Correlation – provides a linear curve fit between temperatures measured by the BMP180 and HTU21D sensors.
- Google_Gauge_JavaScript – instructions at Note: this works only on your Private view.
- Course Construction Slides – version 6 June 2016:
- IEEE IoT Membership – Introduction to IoT and IEEE IoT resources.
- IEEE IoT Sketch01 – Blink – Unbox the kit of parts, install the Arduino IDE and ESP8266 core, and run the first sketch.
- IEEE IoT Sketch02 – Hello World – Description of I2C bus, wire the level converter, print a message to the LCD.
- IEEE IoT Sketch03 – Standalone Weather Station – add temperature, humidity, barometric sensors and light. sensors, read the data on the LCD and serial monitor.
- IEEE IoT Sketch04 – IoT Weather Station – open a ThingSpeak account, configure the channel, stream IoT data, add MATLAB visualizations.
- IEEE IoT Sketch05 – Smartphone Weather Station– open a Blynk account, create a smartphone app, read and control the weather station.
- Course Informational Slides – version 4 June 2016:
- 01_Introduction_v0102_IOT_v01
- 03_SWDev_v01
- 04_MCU_v02
- Sensors
- 05_Protocols_v02
- 06_Architecture_v01
- 07_Conclusion_v01
- Supporting Documents
- IEEE IoT Schematic
- Weather station wiring (later)
- IEEE_IoT_Parts_List
- NodeMCU schematic
- HTU21D temperature/humidity sensor condensed datasheet & breakout schematic
- BMP180 barometric pressure/temperature/altitude sensor datasheet
- BMP180 breakout schematic (later)
- Level Shifter schematic