Return to 9. MATLAB Scripts

Temperature and Dewpoint

This MATLAB visualization calculates the dewpoint from temperature and humidity. The formula is given at The values are taken from your ThingSpeak channel at the time your webpage is opened. You must manually update the chart by refreshing your browser.

% Read Humidity and Temperature from a ThingSpeak channel to calculate dew point.
 % (C) 2020 Karl Berger
 % 21 November 2018 - changed to Matlab plot
 % 30 October 2019 - changed to Numminutes in thingSpeakRead
 % Script expects temperature in °C. It then calculates dewpoint in °C.
 % Calculated temperatures are converted to °F for charting.
 % If you read temperature in °F, you must first convert it to °C
 % before doing the dewpoint calculation.
  chID = 286120;
 %% IoT Kits field definitions
   TempCFld = 1;  % Temperature Field ID
   HumidFld = 2;  % Humidity Field ID
 % Number of data points to plot
  dataMinutes = 2 * 24 * 60;    % days * 24 hours * 60 minutes/hour
  % Read field data and time for Temperature sensor
  [tempC, time] = thingSpeakRead(chID, 'Fields', TempCFld, 'NumMinutes', dataMinutes);
  % Read field data for Humidity sensor
  humidity = thingSpeakRead(chID, 'Fields', HumidFld, 'NumMinutes', dataMinutes);
  % Calculate dew point
  % Specify the constants for water vapor (b) and barometric (c) pressure.
  % NOAA constants
  b = 17.67;
  c = 243.5;
  % Calculate the intermediate value 'gamma'
  gamma = log(humidity / 100) + b * tempC ./ (c + tempC);
  % Calculate dew point in Celsius
  dewPointC = c * gamma ./ (b - gamma);
  % Convert temperatures to Fahrenheit for display
  dewPointF = (dewPointC * 1.8) + 32;
  tempF = (tempC * 1.8) + 32;
  plot(time, [dewPointF, tempF], 'Linewidth', 2)
  ylabel('Temperature (°F)')
  xlabel('2-day span')
  legend('Dew Point °F', 'Temp °F', 'Location', 'Best') 
  grid on

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